I use ceramic insulation from McMaster-Carr
www.mcmaster.com for inside the lid. This stuff is good to 2000?+, and will allow you to not only get your heat up higher, you will use less propane.
If you can find some, honeycomb infrared ceramic block is da shizzle for a focusing your heat on the drum. You can occasionally find these on eBay. I have a slab that came out of a broken propane ventless heater. I'm not sure if the ones that are sold as soldering blocks are any good - I've been meaning to pick some up and give it a try.
Another tip is to run your rotisserie axis as low as you easily can. Some of the stock mounting brackets will have the drum too far away from the heat source.
For cooling, I use a 20 qt stainless stockpot with the bottom cut out and a stainless spatter screen inserted. This is mounted on the lid from a 5 gallon bucket with the center cut out, and fits over the bucket, which is fitted with a kitchen vent fan inside. This sucker cools 24 oz of beans in about 30 seconds, and 5# pre-roast weight in about 3 minutes (the flow rate is slower when there this many beans in there). My first attempt at a chaff cyclone for this failed, but I'm pretty sure that the next mod will work - I have a squirrel cage blower that I haven't got around to mounting inline...