Author Topic: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks  (Read 224412 times)

Offline grinderz

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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #420 on: September 19, 2011, 08:02:10 AM »
Pre-drill and don't torque down on the screws as the plastic will crack. I would skip the RTV, personally.
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Offline peter

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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #421 on: September 19, 2011, 08:26:41 AM »
Pre-drill and don't torque down on the screws as the plastic will crack. I would skip the RTV, personally.

Exactly.  The base plastic is very brittle.  But you're not entering a beauty contest; if a hold cracks when you're screwing it together, start a new hole with a slightly larger drill.

I used a similar thermometer for a while, and had a hard time finding a satisfactory way to keep the tip of the wire in the beans.  You can mount it to the bottom somehow with the nib protruding into the beans, but that makes it awkward when it's time to dump the beans.  Not to blow my own horn, but after several renditions, the metal probe mounted in a slot at a low angle so most of the tip is submerged in beans, and weighted toward the tip (w/o interfering w/ the arms) is the cat's meow.

Check the rotation of the convection before mounting your spacer/chaff ejector too.
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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #422 on: September 19, 2011, 08:48:25 AM »
Thanks for all the replies I'll head over to Lowe's for the aluminum strip today. Peter your idea about multiple stir arms sounds good to me. Okay so I have read all of this thread but I still have a few questions. Should I attach the aluminum with screws and use the high temp rtv to seal it? Will this thermometer work for BT or would I need to upgrade the probe to something metal?


I don't attach the ring on my CO/UFO - it fits in the grooves and doesn't move. If you want to be sure it doesn't move, use David Mankin's approach - a triple-spring plate holder. I also like and use his method of splitting silicone tubing to provide a slip-proof surface for the glass top to rest on.

Offline peter

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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #423 on: September 19, 2011, 09:03:06 AM »
The silicone non-slipper isn't really needed w/ a Stir Crazy.  It's only for the first few roasts that the glass is slippery, and the SC being larger than a UFO, there isn't really anywhere for the top to slip.  It might move off-center a half inch, but doesn't matter.
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Offline grinderz

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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #424 on: September 19, 2011, 09:05:58 AM »
Instead of a slot, I just drilled a hole using a bit that was the next size smaller than the probe. Then I angled the drill motor while it was running to make the hole angle down towards the bean mass. That way the probe stays put (because the fit is tight) and the angled hole helps keep the tip in the bean mass. I did have to  bend the probe a bit to achieve this.

The type of probe Peter and I are talking about looks like this:

I like your spring keeper idea, BTW, Tex.
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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #425 on: September 19, 2011, 09:17:59 AM »
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 12:49:15 PM by JHan816 »

Offline J.Jirehs Roaster

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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #426 on: September 19, 2011, 09:34:15 AM »
Thanks for all the replies I'll head over to Lowe's for the aluminum strip today. Peter your idea about multiple stir arms sounds good to me. Okay so I have read all of this thread but I still have a few questions. Should I attach the aluminum with screws and use the high temp rtv to seal it? Will this thermometer work for BT or would I need to upgrade the probe to something metal?


right now I use that thermometer.. (that's a better price than I payed) but I have a K type probe with a long metal tip.. the tip 'ideally' rests  just inside the groove in the bottom of the SC and bounce over the stir arm as it comes by.. that setup gives me what I believe to be consistent and reliable bean mass temps

I found a SC designed for caramel corn.. its deeper and has all metal parts..  what is the mod you guys are using for more bean mass??

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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #427 on: September 19, 2011, 10:36:44 AM »
Ooooh! I've never heard about the Kettle Crazy model. Tell us more, J.J.R.! How does it compare to the original? What are the differences?
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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #428 on: September 19, 2011, 10:44:19 AM »
Thanks for all the replies I'll head over to Lowe's for the aluminum strip today. Peter your idea about multiple stir arms sounds good to me. Okay so I have read all of this thread but I still have a few questions. Should I attach the aluminum with screws and use the high temp rtv to seal it? Will this thermometer work for BT or would I need to upgrade the probe to something metal?


right now I use that thermometer.. (that's a better price than I payed) but I have a K type probe with a long metal tip.. the tip 'ideally' rests  just inside the groove in the bottom of the SC and bounce over the stir arm as it comes by.. that setup gives me what I believe to be consistent and reliable bean mass temps

I found a SC designed for caramel corn.. its deeper and has all metal parts..  what is the mod you guys are using for more bean mass??

Whether you're using a probe or bead-ended t/c, check it for accuracy using boiling water. The last batch of t/c's I bought were all off by 2 - 2.5 degrees F.

The Tenma thermometer I use is adjustable, so I don't have to remember to subtract 2 degrees when I'm roasting.

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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #429 on: September 19, 2011, 01:08:22 PM »
Ooooh! I've never heard about the Kettle Crazy model. Tell us more, J.J.R.! How does it compare to the original? What are the differences?

I have not dug into it yet.. the center shaft is all metal and it sits higher (inch or two) than the regular SC.. comes with a metal ring about 4" tall..   it may run hotter and that's why the metal center?? I need to clean it up and make better stir arms then see how much it will roast.

on a side note.. one of my SCs is made by Sunbeam and it has a metal threaded stud for the top nut (the rest of the center axle is plastic) point is it has held up with no mods.. just a 1/4-20 nut and a copper end cap to protect the axle

Offline grinderz

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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #430 on: September 19, 2011, 01:27:05 PM »
I'm curious to know whether the Kettle Crazy has a stronger motor?

Here's someone's Youtube showing one.
Kettle Krazy Turbo Coffee Roaster
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Offline J.Jirehs Roaster

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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #431 on: September 19, 2011, 02:06:07 PM »
I don't know yet.. mine is older with no control for corn or nuts and I didn't see if the middle axle was taller.. this looks like a standard SC but taller middle and the metal ring (mine has no holes)


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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #432 on: September 19, 2011, 06:34:50 PM »
Okay here is my progress so far I still need to cut slots in the cap. I am waiting to permanently attach the spacer until the oven arrives so I can see which direction it flows. I couldn't find the aluminum in two inch so I had to settle for one and a half. The oven shipped today so hopefully it will be here by the weekend.

Offline grinderz

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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #433 on: September 19, 2011, 06:38:46 PM »
Another way to attach is to use high temp metallic tape (buttwhiskers does it this way, IIRC).
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Offline peter

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Re: SC/TO Profiles / Q&A / Tips & Tricks
« Reply #434 on: September 19, 2011, 06:43:34 PM »
1.5" on the spacer is fine.

If you drill a hold on one side of the cap instead of two slots it won't fall off when you're dumping beans.  Don't ask how I know this.  ::)
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