Good Afternoon everyone:
It's October and we had our first real storm of the season here in Florida.
For those who don't know, I work for /with the power plant here in Jacksonville.
For those who don't know, they ALWAYS panic the first storm of the season !! Every single year, both the city, and the local news teams. The world is going to end, bla bla bla... you get the idea.
This entire last week has been an incredibly busy week for me, and I did not get much, if anything done with the coffee orders that came in.
When the storm in imminent, I literally will pack a bag with clothes, medicines and pack the bird up, and move into the plant to ride out the storm.
This can last a day, or last a week ! It depends on how much damage we take, and how quickly we can get the plant back stable, comms restored and all the fun stuff.
I was released Sun nite and Monday basically I slept all day, I won't lie to you. After spending over 40 hours awake, I was shot.
That brings me to today. I will be catching up on ALL orders today, sending out updates and checking on a few problems that are still existing and playing catch up. I plan on having everything on the road by tomorrow 5 pm at the very latest.
This brings me to a
PROBLEM As you are well aware, I have been using UPS to ship our packages out. Unfortunately, over the past year, it seems, UPS has become a bit less friendly towards handling the packages and actually delivering them. I am getting more and more packages returned to me, undelivered.
After some research I was able to find out one thing that I MUST pass on.
Many of you have UPS accounts, and use their app or their, pick up my package at a local dropoff point utility they have.
Some of these places are literally just, locked boxes, you log in with your phone and it pops the lock for you to get your package out of the box.
With that being said.
BIG BIG !!!Did I say
BIGWhen you order a 30 Lb package it is going to come in a package that is literally 15 x 9 x 9 OR 18 x 8 x 8
If that does not fit in the box, they are supposed to tell you at the place it is delivered to. Many times they do not, or you don't check your app and see a note waiting or whatever. The package sits for 3 to 5 days then it gets returned back to ME !!
Now YOU just lost 20 to 40 dollars in postage.
Folks Please if you have a larger order coming, keep an eye for it if you are having it sent to a drop off station and NOT being delivered straight to your house. I really hate seeing people lose this kind of money on delivery charges.
I will be working with those who's packages were returned to me on getting them sent back out (two i have to inspect and repack,they were sitting on my doorstep thru the storm and got soaked)
Folks PLEASE make sure your UPS address you give me is one they WILL deliver to, or that you have already warned them, a biggun is coming in, or you are watching for when they tell you it's in town.
On to other news....
For those paying attention we got a lot of new coffees in, the centrals really hit nice this year. Please feel or order up but please be mindful of amounts left so you don't over order. A few of these were one time tommy's, and you will not see them again, meaning NO I can NOT order another bag just to fill YOUR odeer... there is no more left.
Ethiopians, they are slow coming in this year due to issues over there. They are slowly making their way out. Boo's are not looking too good for this year but you never know, and I always keep an eye out for them. I have a Honduras and a few others that are really fruity if you are looking for a fruit bomb to replace your Eth bombs you normally get. (Many of you it's about the flavor, not so much where it came from,so if it's yummy, who cares if it's a central or an eth right?
) I will hopefully be getting these on the board by the weekend.
DECAF. I have a really nice one, it's called Sugar Cane, it's a Brazillian I believe and it is really good tasting, A pretty good body on it for a decaf. I'll get that posted too here.
In closing, Ive been busy and am playing catch up now, so while you are waiting, feel free to chat in the forums. Share your latest coffee wonderful you had! Even if it's with someone elses coffee, or a new technique, or refinement you made in your processing that gave you a god shot.
We want to hear about it. and as usual Any ? you have PLEASE post them !!
We have over 2000 active members now, and I can't even begin to count how many years of experience that is, and it includes a few of us old farts who are still kicking, so you will get a history lesson too !!
Thank you and take care.
I really appreciate you all being patient with me. This crushed foot really did not do me any favors these past 3 months. FWIW the dang thing STILL has not fully healed and is still open a bit.