Hello everyone.
Just got done going thru the admin trenches again and have noticed a few people who have not activated their forum memberships yet.
How this works is.
You sign up
The site sends you an e mail to activate your account
you click the link to activate,
you are activated.
If you don't activate you are stuck in the pending area and may eventually be deleted by the janitor.
Things that cause you to not get e mail.
You put in wrong e mail.
YOUR spam filters trapped it.
I see 25 e mails waiting for some sort of return from the people. One of them reached out to me, (which is what caused me to look TBH) but if you are not getting e mails, please make sure we are white listed and your pootoob, gmail or whatever host you have your e mail at, AOHell is another good one for causing big problems. is not spam bucketing the mail from here.
If it is please put us on the white list.
If you tried to activate your account and it did not go thru please send an e mail to me at orders@greencoffeebuyingclub.com with the header Please Activate and Ill investigate why your account didn't click in. ON occasion it will trap it as a hack and dump you but that's rather rare.
Again, if you do not reply to the e mail your account will not get activated.
If you did not get the e mail, it is probably being trapped as spam on YOUR end, please check this.
Thank you