Author Topic: Busy trying to get going  (Read 2718 times)

Offline Ascholten

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Busy trying to get going
« on: June 15, 2024, 05:37:37 PM »
Well here we go again.
Crushed my foot, having surgery this Wednesday to repair the 4 metatarsals that share 14 fractures among them.

Im allowed to walk kind of, on the heel of the foot but not put any pressure on the front.  After the surgery Ill be in a different boot I believe he said, and well, we will have to see how well I am mobile.

Spent the entire last week (accident happened on monday) trying to get a surgeon to see me, (Baptist hospital system SUCKS, I wouldn't bring my dog there to put it to sleep !! ).  Finally went to St. Vincents, was seen and surgery is scheduled.  Id post pictures but they are kind of gnarly, not sure folks want to see my 4x swollen technicolor foot along with the x ray of the 40 piece toe puzzle !!

all orders to here are on their way.
the new coffee's I wanted to post well.

A, this gives me NOTHING to do ..except stay at home, to work on coffee, im kind of grounded now,  (so much for my motorcycle stuff)  however...

the first week or two after surgery, I can't promise a thing, Ill have to see how I am.  I remember after my spinal fusion, I had all these visions of what i would be able to do on my 'time off' to only have the reality of blinding pain set in and smash those plans!!  So lets see what these next week or two bring before I start firing off a ton and a half of coffee.  I don't want to get 2500 lbs of orders and I can't life more than 10 to 15 at a time.

I'll let you know after Wednesday which is my surgery day.

Thank you everyone.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline ptrmorton

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Re: Busy trying to get going
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2024, 02:48:39 PM »
Get better soonest!

AZ Peter

Proverbs 3:5-6

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Busy trying to get going
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2024, 09:02:18 AM »
Surgery is tomorrow.
I am able to walk on the boot they gave me now and believe I can heft the 30 lb boxes of coffee but after they cut me open again not sure what all ill be in or how much I can move with.   Ill need a few days just for the anethesia and crap to wear off and see about where I am pain wise before I want to say oh yay sure, order away!!  if im all fked up on pain killers of course i wont feel a thing but how accurate will your orders be then too  >:D :o ;D

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Busy trying to get going
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2024, 09:06:44 AM »
heres day 2.  and it just gets worse looking every day ugh
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Busy trying to get going
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2024, 09:07:36 AM »
not to mention the disgusting troll foot to begin with HAH!!  >:D >:D >:D O0 O0 8)

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline brianmch

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Re: Busy trying to get going
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2024, 02:58:59 PM »
Dude - i'll never un-see that!

Get well soon- :D

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Busy trying to get going
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2024, 04:06:02 AM »
Well, Surgery went ok, had some / have some complications, had a clot let loose but we caught it before it did anything bad thank god and im on anti clot meds now until this all heals up.

Man, I can put NO pressure on this at all, the doc said I could walk on my heel if I needed but really need to stay off it, well I tried that and oh man, it was agonizing.

Turns out that everything being internal was a dream, that did not come true.  I have posts sticking out the top of my foot and out the bottom of my foot with like toe supports on the bottom holding everything together while it heals.

My doc told me, have you ever eaten crab legs?  I said yah I love them, he said you know how you bend them, and twist them and crack them all up to get the meat out of them, I said. um...yaaahhhh.  he said, well that's what your metatarsals looked like.  They were cracked longways and splintered and split in a few pieces, because it was a crushing injury.  So I got a bunch of pins and crap holding everything together for the time being.

HOPING that July 2 when I go in for a checkup they take the rods out of the botttom of my feet.  THOSE things, oh god. every time you move the slightest, or even curl a toe or wiggle, you feel that rod going through your flesh and into the bone.  It's very .... annoying.

Basically count on me being bed ridden for the next few weeks.  What coffee I have in inventory Ill gladly send out, but don'te xpect me to put any new ones up until I am literally, able to walk again.  I just can't do it.  I can barely make it up the stairs and in and out of bed, the coffee, maybe in a few days Ill get some strength but it's just too taxing right now.

Once I do get to the point where I can move w/o searing pain, we're back, I can drop it on my doorstep and the UPS man can grab it from there but until then...  sigh....

Now throw in a loving Cockatoo who knows I am hurt and is all upset I won't let him spend 24 / 7 at my side.  That's minor though, Ill make it up to im when I am moving around again.  I have some big hugs and a few ass paddlings waiting for him hehehe!!

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Busy trying to get going
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2024, 07:19:34 PM »

This is going to be a very graphic very blunt post.
If you are not into such things, up to seeing that, just move on....

Trust me on this one, if you have eaten in the last hour or so, just... don't look.  move on...
If you are weak stomach,squeamish.  just do yourself a favor... move on.

ok you been warned.

So I am having problems here.  Foot is just a throbbing mess.  Very painful, seems no matter what I do, which way I turn, it hurts.  Not sleeping very well, NOT getting around well at all.  That is the biggest pisser right there.  I was told, stay OFF the front part, no pressure, ok got it.  I can walk lightly on the heel IF I have to but keep pressure off it.  Ok got it.

Well, walking sets off about 20 minutes of searing pain afterwards when I stop walking, so I am not doing much walking if I can help it.

Im dealing with 2 types of pain here it seems.  One, let's call flesh pain, which the pain killers can take care of... a little.  The other nerve pain, which painkillers won't do a fucking thing for Ive found, but my Gabapentin is knocking that one down fairly decently... thank god.

The problem is, each pill has a diffferent longevity, so I can't just  get up at this time, take two pills and be fine. oh no, I got to get up for the pain pill.  fine whatever... then a few hours later, the gaba, yawn, ok wasn't sleeping for shit anyways, then this pill,  then that pill.  It's like every few hours I have to take pills and it gets old real fast.  No you can't just double up and make them last longer.  Doing so witht he narcotics would be kind of dangerous, and it really doesn't last longer, it just makes you more into a stupor, which is NOT a good thing.  Gaba, doesn't work that way either so you can't prolong it, you just use it as directed.  Taking more just puts you into more... lets just say... enlightened mental states... and leave it at that...and NO that is NOT necessarily a good thing either.  :-\ >:(

The entire weekend my bandage was bugging the living shit out of me, every time I moved a bit it'd scrape and scratch and just inflame everything horribly.  It was like a little cast they made so i can't really move it.....

or can I.

Every time I DID move, even if it was just rolling over in bed, or trying to find a new position for my leg that hurt just a tiny bit less, the fucking bandage would get hung up on EVERYTHING.  THey put these god damned velcro closures on it, which is the worst idea of the century IMO.  THey grab everything, get hung up on every thing, TEAR UP everything, it's a BAD IDEA.  So for 4 days, this cast is grinding on my wound just inflaming it.  Then comes sunday, and I am taking my walking boot off, and the velcro on the boot, grabs the bandage and rips the entire fucker off.  The whole thing just finally finishes unraveling and is a twisted mess hanging off the front of my foot.

Ok Aaron, calm down, just put the thing back on.
uhh NO !@! !!!  emphatically NO..... This bandage is DISGUSTING !!   There is no way I am putting this back on my foot.

It turns out, the thing is NOT a cast they put on my foot, but rather, i was bleeding, and the gauze soaked up all the blood, which then dried, into a hard brittle SHARP like brillo pad / pumice stone feeling mess into the gauze, making it stiff like it was a cast.    NO CAST, just blood hardened bandages.   So here, all fucking weekend, I am thinking this is a god damned cast they made, not that they just didn't change the fkn bandage when they sent me home, and carefully shoving it back ON my foot to protect it, and enduring the agony it caused me all weekend, every time I moved and it scraped across the top of my foot, Im pretty pissed off at this point.  Throw all the blood soaked, now dried and hardened gauze away and find new gauze to wrap my foot with somewhat.

Well my foot now, that's a piece of artwork, holy shit is that thing ugly!  Is this normal for this kind of operation or is it just super inflamed because it's been irritated for 4 days straight by a shitty ass blood hardened gauze pad constantly scraping on it like a brillo?

So I call my doctor first thing monday, explain to them that the bandage fell apart over the weekend and it needs an entire re wrrap.  They seem very  less that concerned, and said, ok come in tomorrow at 9 am.  So tomorrow I go in to let them see what's gong on, and rewrap it.

The good thing is, the bleeding is pretty much stopped, so that should not be a problem, BUT.. I noticed while poking around.   one of my toes is totally, dead.  I can't feel a thing on it / with it.    Ok, did they cut a nerve during the surgery?  will it eventurally grow back and be normal, cool.  Will it grow back but be unuseable, some feeling, just a flappy meat slap.. ok whatever, it's the toe next to the big one, I think I can still work with that even if it is 'crippled'.  It should not make walking that much more difficult and racing motorcycles, I just need to lean and press, no real articulation on the toes needed, so shouldn't hurt me there.

BUT.. what if it's on the way to kicking the bucket and is going to end up coming off?  Now what?   In other words, what's going on here?  So I have to wait to tomorrow to get any inputs on THAT.  and a new wrap.

Now that the blood brillo pad is not scouring the top of my foot every movement, a significant amount of the pain is gone BUT, now the throbbing pain is showing superbly, and THAT one is really annoying.   There is a post that goes clean thru my foot, out the bottom and to the front.  Any time you move at all, this lets you know it's there as it presses on all the bone structure.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.

THEN there is the coffee.   Man, this site IS alive, but I can't say it is well, it hasn't been well all year.  I want to with all my heart sell my coffee's, it's a passion and I LOVE it but it just seems like life has been throwing me one curve ball after another to get in the way of that!  Just when I get the cancer thing under control, now this happens!

I really thought Id be able to keep selling and get some distributions going while I was healing thru this.  I physically can't, and THAT I think is what pisses me off more than anything.  I feel like I am letting people down, because I keep promising and promising coffee and here we are,just another excuse and no coffee.

I don't want people to think I am making up shit here, so will post a picture of my foot after surgery BUT warn you, it's not pretty. I also want to post this to let you actually SEE what I am dealing with here and am not just being a pussy on the can't walk thing.

July 2 the screws come out and the post thru the bottom of my foot comes out.  Hopefully the pain dies down a bit, and I can start walking a little better afterwards.

Right now my orders are pretty slowed to a crawl and that is ok for the time being, it gives me time to heal, and YES I CAN get one here one there so it's not a game killer for now.  But I DO need to get these coffee's up and sold eventually.

Im thinking Ill use this week to try to get all my cuppings done, and everything set up for a huge sale, and when I can start again, it's all good to go, just move the announcements to the proper thread and off we go.

time will tell.

Again, I thank every one of you for sticking around with us over the years, especially this last one or so, we are not dead, just temporarily slowed down.

The day I stop coffee is the day you'll need to give me my last pot of it, via an embalming procedure.  YES, I want to be embalmed with coffee, as one last cup of excellence to send me on my way !!  :D   ok whatever aaron, go back to bed, your meds are kicking in.

Take care everyone,love ya all.  ill let you know what tomorrow brings after the doctor / hospital visit.


Picture Below.

Warning it's ugly.  you probably should just stop now.






ok you were warned
you asked for it, you got it.
As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Busy trying to get going
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2024, 11:04:23 AM »
Well the good news is, the dead feeling toes is normal, for this kind of surgery and they say it will take from two months to a year but eventually the feeling comes back as the nerves regrow.

I am on antibiotics now, the redness, not sure what it is but want to be safe.

and to top it off.   it won't be july 2nd, I misunderstood,  that is just a check up, I won't get the spikes out of my feet for a few months probably... shit.  THOSE are annoying.

Oh and with that, I finally got a look at the bottom of my feet today to see what the spikes look like.

Wolverine, eat your heart out !!!

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline Ascholten

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Re: Busy trying to get going
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2024, 11:51:23 AM »
Well darnit man!!

It seems the post office raised their rates AGAIN !!

I try to use UPS overall in general but in some instances I have no choice, UPS can get odd about some certain places to deliver to.  With this being said, so few people fall under this category that I will not have to raise my rates to ship to them, Ill just eat the difference and it'll buffer on the rest of the orders.

It just floors me how you can call something a flat rate package and the price varies depending on where you ship it to?

Ok, so what exactly is the FLAT part of it, except maybe customer satisfaction, where I'll give them that, expectations fall completely flat.

As I have grown older, I have learned that pleasing everybody is impossible, but pissing everybody off is a piece of cake!

Offline hobiwankinobi

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Re: Busy trying to get going
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2024, 07:01:01 PM »
I havent been here in a while... I just put a placeholder on a coffee in the active coffee forum. but for real I am in no hurry, I have plenty of java here. I hope you get better my friend.