I dump enough into the Vario hopper that I have at least 20gms (or more) on top of what's required for an espresso shot - in order to reduce the popcorn effect as I don't like the popcorn impact on my shots. I don't do any pre-weighing before the hopper fill, I just pour a decent amount in, do a quick cleaning grind and then dose directly into the basket. I try to get an amount in the basket that looks to be about right for the shot. I do my first weigh and if it's to spec then I tamp, but if my eyeball is off I might add another 1-2gms from there depending on what I want from the shot.
As the hopper starts getting depleted I just pour more in.
At the end of a session or if I want to switch to another SO bean I tip the hopper back into my glass canning jar. Approx 2-3gms won't make it into the canning jar, they remain in the burr area, and I'll use those as a clearing grind before the next session.
For pourover I'll pre-weigh the beans and grind single dose (21gms), I don't concern myself as much with the popcorning as I don't notice that effect with pourover given that the grind is already fairly coarse as compared to espresso and the extraction technology of pourover is a little more forgiving.