I roast with an electric manual 1 kilo Torrefattore and a Quest M3. Compared to a Behmor, Hottop, Gene Cafe or Quest (really quiet), the TF is noticeably louder particularly when I adjust air flow and the blowers ramp up. Nevertheless, I can hear first and second crack with no problems even when I'm outside the roasting shed about 5-6 feet away. I'm really surprised about the loudness of the Toper. I wonder if there was something wrong with the sale rep's demo model.
After I preheat the roaster about 15 minutes I can continually roast for hours at a time. I can see how a large scale roaster could use something like a Toper or TF as their sample roaster. I've never used a 1 kilo Toper, but I assume that it can easily roast 1/2 -2 pound batches similar to the TF. With the TF, I can roast approximately three 1.5 pound batches each hour (I think a 1.5 pound batch size works best with the TF). I need about 6-8 minutes between roasts to cool down the roaster to my desired bean drop temperature for the next roast.