Okay after replacing the heater and cleaning out the chaff, I noticed how dirty the machine is. So a friend said to put the parts in an airtight bag with ammonia. I was very skeptical but I thought I would give it a try. Well I left the parts in the bag for 3 days (yeah I was going for one day but I forgot about it). Well to my surprise it worked! I rinsed off the part (rotating drum) and it sparkled like it was brand new. No scrubbing, no work just a quick rinse.
Now two questions: first, what did this soaking do to the metal and second, can this method be used on plastic? I suspect that chemically the metal has been affected and that no I can't use it on plastic. I am happy with the way the drum looks and have put several other pieces in a bag with ammonia. I will keep you posted on how it works out.
(happy to see the shining drum in the hottop in Benbrook, Texas)